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Calligraphy Necklace 西洋書法名字頸鍊禮物
Calligraphy Necklace 西洋書法名字頸鍊禮物
Calligraphy Necklace 西洋書法名字頸鍊禮物
Calligraphy Necklace 西洋書法名字頸鍊禮物
Calligraphy Necklace 西洋書法名字頸鍊禮物
Calligraphy Necklace 西洋書法名字頸鍊禮物
Calligraphy Necklace 西洋書法名字頸鍊禮物
Hot Wives Club

Calligraphy Necklace 西洋書法名字頸鍊禮物

Regular price $198.00


A one of a kind unique and accessible jewelry. Attention to detail that makes this delicate stunning jewelry
西洋書法名字頸鍊 will be handmade with your desired name.

With any name personalized on this necklace. Makes this custom name necklace a perfect unique gift for any occasion. Get these for each of your bridesmaids and show them your love and appreciation. Your girls will love these cute and dainty name necklaces.

Our 18k gold plated jewelry is much thicker than other gold plating, resulting in a durable, long-lasting product.

► 價錢包括:
- 西洋書法名字頸鍊 x 1 ( 可自選名字 )
- 絲絨禮盒連絲帶, 內有個人化姊妹感謝咭 x 1


1) 選擇頸鍊的顏色 ( 玫瑰金 / 金 / 銀 )
2) 提供頸鍊名字 ( Example: Esther )
3) 選擇絲絨禮盒顏色 ( White / Beige / Grey )
4) 選擇姊妹感謝咭款式 ( Example: D1 - D12 )
5) 填寫咭上名字 ( Example: Esther )
6) 填寫咭上字句 ( Example: Thank you for being my bridesmaid )

║ 製作時間 ║
◆ 請點擊“送貨服務”標籤查看我們的製作時間。
◆ 如果需於特定日子內收貨或造急單 ( rush order ),請 whatsapp 通知我們,我們會盡量配合。你可以按網頁面左或右下角的 whatsapp button 通知我們。

頸鍊顏色: 玫瑰金/金色/銀色
頸鍊物料: 鈦鋼 (18K鍍金/鍍銀)
頸鍊尺寸: 45cm 長+ 5cm extension ( extension 可自行調校 )
絲絨禮盒尺寸:7 x 8 x 4cm

送貨服務 Shipping + 製作時間 production time

香港&澳門 ( 17 - 21日內 )
► 順豐速運 / 順豐自取站 / 順豐智能櫃
► 香港郵寄 ( 平郵 ) 
► 訂單金額滿港幣$800免運費,少於港幣$800結賬頁面會加收港幣 35 元的運費。

Rush Order 急單
◆ 如果需於特定日子內收貨或造急單 ( rush order ),請通知我們,我們會盡量配合。
 ( 你可以按網頁面左或右下角的whatsapp button,在 whatsapp 直接通知我們。)

International Shipping Rate 
Free international shipping for order amount over HKD $1200 ( USD $154 )
► For order amount under HKD $1200, a standard international shipping fee of HKD $80 ( USD$ 10 ) will be added at the check out page.

Estimated Standard international shipping time:
North America: 21 - 28 business days
Europe: 21 - 28 business days
Australia, New Zealand & Oceania: 21 - 28 business days
Asia Pacific: 14 - 21 business days
Latin America: 28 - 32 business days
Africa and the middle east: 28 - 32 business days 

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